We provide commerical, residential plumbing services in the Atlanta, GA area. We're ready to service your plumbing needs right now.
Ask The PlumberDrain Clogs are the sort of problem that happens often, and it is usually our fault. We put things in the toilet that do not belong such as, Cat Litter, dog droppings and wipes. The sort of items that we think would be fine but in fact, Cat litter does not dissolve and is to heavy for drain systems.
Hot Water, one of those comforts of home that you rarely think about, but can’t live without. Proper water temperature comforts and releases stress. In order for all of this to work you need a Water Heater, either a Tankless or a Tank Type. Tank type can give you years of hot water, if engineered correctly in a home with a circulating system.
Faucets come in various styles and can be designed for a plethora of different uses. Many good quality faucets can almost always be repaired, although many plumbers prefer to remove and replace them as it costs approximately the same amount of money. Now when it comes to shower faucets its a entirely different beast, due to the unavailability of parts, and the inaccessibility of the shower pipes, more often than not special orders, and access hatches result in higher cost.
Your MAIN WATER SERVICE is the line that supplies all the water to your home, and as a result is directly related to your water bill. When a home is built the plumber installs the main water service line, and one important aspect of this is the line has to be the proper size when installed so that the home as proper water pressure and water does not run out.
Your MAIN DRAIN LINE is a key system of your home. It removes all the waste and used water from your home and delivers it to the sewage system that your county has to convey the waste and process it. A plethora of accidents and natural ware can cause issues in your Main Drain Line to have problems. You are responsible for the line from the curb to your house.
PRESSURE AND FLOW ISSUES everyone wants to be able to use all the water that they want, and often we forget what goes into making sure we have uninterrupted use of our water services. A host of issues can prevent this: a old home may have worn galvanized pipes, which are restricting the flow of water, or and new home may have improperly sized plumbing that may scald or freeze you whenever water is used in another part of the home.
GAS SERVICE, as far as the service goes the only difference from this and water plumbing is what flows in the pipes.Regulating the proper amount of BTUs (British Thermal Unit) is very important for safety and your economy. When there are gas services it needs to work correctly, make sure that its installed right the first time, with us.
Leaking pipes are the sort of issue that can spiral out of control if not taken care of immediately. Leaking pipes can lead to a host of other problems that will cost a large sum of money.
SUMP PUMPS are a necessity when sewage has to be moved up hill like from your basement, to the street, it can even pump storm water that gets into the basement. A good quality pump can last for many years, and if your pump does not have an alarm, a check-up must be done at least once a year.
Safety items are a very important part of our continued well being, something simple like a vacuum breaker install at your home to protect your water supply is a must. A backflow device installed in your business is also a must we have many water protection devices that keep us healthier a sewage back water valve will keep unwanted sewage from entering your home and contaminating your environment.
The toilet or its other names the Water Closet, the John, in any case most of us can’t live without one. When yours breaks down it needs fixing and fast! And you gotta have the right parts. Your toilet has a manufacturer with specific parts for a reason.
We have 20 years of plumbing experience and ready to service your plumbing needs.
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